Saturday 31 May 2014

NEWS: Wizkid Calls Maheeda A ‘Cheap Slut’ On NdaniTv

Wizkid was seated with Toolz on NdaniTv and he was asked about his ex-girlfriend Tania. He talked greatly about her! 
However, he was asked about a couple of screen divas and Maheeda was one of them.
Wizkid referred her as a ‘Cheap Slut’.

In addition, he also said 'she doesn’t know what she’s doing'

LIFESTYLE: The Timeless Qualities Women Have That Men Will Always Find Attractive

As they say, you live and you learn. That’s life. Nobody actually knows what the f*ck is happening, anyway. A lot of times, living is like the autocorrect function on Microsoft Word.

Although you may not know how to spell “Czechoslovakia” in the third paragraph of your history final, just as you may not know what you want to be when you grow up, sometimes you have to throw caution to the wind, and try things out. And sometimes you’ll be right.

Then again, a lot of times that red-dotted line will appear. Hopefully, by the time the fifth paragraph rolls around, you’ll know not to type “Checkosulvachia.” Metaphorically speaking, of course.

This concept applies to women, too. You may think you’re attracted to someone for all the right reasons, until you realize you’ve been dating a girl for 17 months and the strongest connection you share is, well, her father’s “connect” at Madison Square Garden.

At that point, you need to press the “delete” button, and figure out where you went wrong. It’s hard though. Sometimes, the same qualities you found attractive at first, turn out to be the ones that drive you away, later on.

Remember that girl who had the sexiest taste for deep house music? That got old quick, when you realized that’s about as deep as she was.

At the end of the day, as clichéd as it may sound, you live and you learn. You keep a mental log of what she had that you did like, and what the other one had that you didn’t — then try and make it all come together in the next one.

Granted, there is certainly no scientific formula for this, but from my experience, there are qualities that women possess, which usually “stay attractive” for the long haul. These are the types of attractive qualities you will want to build on, and look out for, down the road. Here are the top eight I’ve picked up on:

A sense of style is always attractive. A sense of style is also enduring. The tough part is distinguishing between which girls have style, and which girls have a keen eye for “trendy” things they find while scrolling through their Instagram feeds. Unlike trends, style doesn’t come and go.

One of the most attractive qualities a girl can possess is confidence. Women with confidence don’t seek approval, or need any extra attention from others.

Confidence doesn’t just manifest from nowhere, either; people with confidence also possess a sense of self — moreover, one that they take pride in. It’s sexy when a girl can steal every pair of eyes in the room, but it’s even sexier when she knows it.

Originality is the anti-basic, the anti-boring. There isn’t one way to be original, and it certainly doesn’t mean buying a one way ticket to Seattle until you find a hipster-girl who suits your fancy.

Originality is what will keep you guessing, and when a girl is truly original, this quality will constantly be reappearing in new, different ways.

Think about it, class can never be unattractive. Unless you’re Jeff Lebowski, you’ll more often than not want a girl to settle down with and do, I don’t know, classy things with. Dinners, nights out, vacations — girls with actual class won’t need a budget to flaunt this quality.

Being classy isn’t about what drink you buy, or which specific pool club you’re a member of — it’s about conducting yourself the right way.

Don’t confuse snobbiness with class. If a girl throws a fit about your choice of red — over white — to pair with the dinner you’re treating her to, then she’s not classy; she’s whiny. That’s not attractive.

If a girl can make you laugh, what’s not to be attracted to? Wit is one of the most enjoyable forms of humor because it actually provokes thought.

A woman who’s witty won’t need to constantly put people down to get a rise out of you, and that’s always attractive. Although I know he’s a dude, think about the caliber of women Jerry Seinfeld would pull almost every episode of “Seinfeld.”

I promise you he wasn’t charming women solely on his looks. Witty women will also have this same effect on you.

Think about how unattractive Skyler from “Breaking Bad” was throughout the final 16 episodes or so. I’m sure you f*cking hated her guts (we all did).

Realistically, you can’t really blame her for being less-than-pleased with the current state of her life — she was married to the largest meth cook west of the Mississippi and was designated head-money-launderer — but the fact that she wasn’t backing Walt made her character just so easily loathed.

Loyalty is always attractive. Look for women who are loyal because when it all goes down, you’ll want to know that she’ll stay down for you, regardless.

Intelligence is possibly the most attractive quality you can find in a girl. It’s not about wearing thick-framed glasses, or publicly flaunting your degree from Cornell in casual conversation.

That’s not the type of intelligence I’m referring to. Most of the time, regular old “street smarts” are equally as attractive as any Ivy League diploma.

After getting greeted by a parking ticket wedged in between the windshield wipers of your car when you asked your girl to find a decent spot while out to dinner, I’m sure you’ll soon realize the value of a girl with “smarts.”

Although the most honest girl won’t always look like Adriana Lima, in your eyes, honesty is one of the most important qualities for a woman to have. I can promise that if there’s one sure-fire waste of time in life, it’s strapping yourself to a liar.

The thing about lying is that one lie can quickly lead to zero truth. Finding a girl who’s honest will provide you with someone to trust and, more importantly, to trust in. There’s nothing more attractive than the latter.

LIFESTYLE: An Open Letter To My Future Wife: How I Plan To Make You Happy Every Day Of Your Life

Hello, my future wife.

Whether you are reading this before you meet me, or stumble upon it after, I want you to know a few things.

The reason I am writing this today is because I can’t stop thinking about you, and I can’t stop myself from imagining how happy we will be. Let this letter be a promise to you that I will do my best to be the man I want to be for you.

I may not yet know all of the difficulties that come with a lifetime commitment, but I have enough relationship experience to know what I want and how I picture my life with the person I will commit to: you.

Those around me are a continuous source of education and inspiration on how I want our relationship to be. So here and today, I vow to try my best to do the following:

I promise to do my best to make you beam daily, so count on many surprises. Your smile will be my priority. I get weak knees when anybody smiles, so just imagine the effort I will make to be the source of yours.

I promise I will always look at you with the same adoration as I did the moment I realized I loved you.

I promise to try to ignite the same sparkle in your eyes I see when you’re surprised, inspired, motivated or when you are about to lean in to kiss me.

I promise to hold your hand when we’re 80 years old with the same liveliness that I did when I crossed that line to hold yours for the first time. I vow never to let the excitement of dating me die down; I will surprise you with the location, the reason or the activity itself.

I promise to keep you guessing where we’re going next.  I promise to do my best always to interest you. I will keep reinventing myself, gaining new hobbies, new knowledge and new interests to keep you — and myself — entertained.

I promise to have new stories to share with you, and maybe I’ll retell the best ones again if you insist. Our friendship will continue to grow over the years.

I vow to challenge you to challenge yourself for the better; to make you think differently. I promise to try to feed off of your illuminating energy that will inspire me to do the same with myself. I will do my best to ensure that being bored never crosses your mind.

Even in grief and darkness, I promise to show you the different shades of the dark, and to help you find the tiny rays of light that are always there if you seek them. After all, there’s always worse than worst and better than best; everything is relative.

I promise to kiss you throughout our life together, with the same passion I had the first time I felt my lips on yours. When we kiss, I want it to slow down time — just you and me engulfed in our feelings.

I promise to play the games you like to play.

I promise to do my best to remain physically attractive for you, and I will do my best to be healthy in order to keep up with our children and grandchildren; someone has got to teach them Muay Thai kickboxing. I’ll train you, too; I want you to know how to fight and defend yourself, just don’t use it against me.

I promise to help you to be healthy, both physically and mentally. I will cook and clean for us. Expect the best breakfast: traditional Armenian tomato and pepper omelets, followed by fruit salad with… well, I can’t give all the secrets out.

I promise to strive to be a role model for our children. I want both you and them to see me as a source of motivation. I want to inspire them in the same way that my father inspires me.

I promise to do my best to love your family as you love them and to be by their side as much as I am by yours.

I promise to always listen to you when you simply just want to be heard; when you want someone to vent to about something or when you want advice.

I will listen to you especially when you don’t feel comfortable sharing your thoughts with anybody else, and to the things you try to tell me when you’re not even speaking. I promise to always listen.

During our life together, I promise to make sure that you feel as though you are the center of the household — I know you will be — and I will always try to show my appreciation for you because of that. Being the man of the house is nothing without a woman.

I promise never to let my guard down in taking care of us. I know you won’t be one to be satisfied with the bare minimum.

I promise to do everything that I can for you without taking away from your independence physically, intellectually or emotionally.

I promise to create family traditions and to make sure that your legacy lives forever through our children.

I promise to encapsulate the moment when I realize that I am in the most magnetic, amorous and erotic love with you, not to let that feeling dissipate to the best of my ability and to relive it with you constantly, always.

LIFESTYLE: The Real Reason Why We Love To Be Bad

Have you ever paused for a second or two and wondered why you did something?

Why did I just eat three whole cupcakes, when I want to lose weight by the end of this week? Why did I just ignore her completely, even though I wanted to talk to her all night? Why did I break up with him, when deep down I was just scared to take the next step?


We’ve all done things and wondered why we did them in the first place. Sometimes we feel regret; other times, we just move on. If you’re the latter, you’re good to go because you realize there is no point in worrying about the past; however, if you’re the former, then there might be a problem.

The bottom line is we all do things we shouldn’t be doing, and most of the time, we do those things while knowing it’s not the best decision. So why do we do it, anyway?

Self-interest through learned behaviour is the answer. It is human nature to do things out of self-interest, especially in the short run because, let’s face it: Feeling instant gratification is of the utmost importance. We usually ignore all the other voices in our head that tell us otherwise.

Perhaps you’re someone who says yes to everything and everyone, when in reality, you should be saying no to people, choices and actions that destroy you. However, you’ve learned to say yes, and it feels great in the moment. Once the action is done, though, you immediately regret it.

Then there are times we are feeling empty, and we tell ourselves if we do or say this one thing, the pain will go away. But in reality, when you give into this urge, the gratification is short lived.

Most of the time, we do things because we want to avoid the pain or the guilt of saying no. We fail to realize that by doing so, we are only creating more pain the future. It is a never-ending cycle.

In addition, emotions make us prone to tunnel-vision decisions. We do things that will help us in the spur of a moment, while simultaneously choosing to oversee the effects in the long run. We are all culprits of this.

There is no point in worrying about the past and the decisions you’ve made; what you can do is focus on changing your learned behaviour in the future. When you’re about to do something you have think twice about, or you hear all sorts of voices in your head, acknowledge what you’re feeling before making a decision.

Of course it is easier said than done; it takes time and progress, but eventually it will become a new learned behaviour. You just have to put your mind to it and create new habits!

LIFESTYLE: 5 Easy Ways To Be A Better Version Of Yourself In Every Aspect Of Your Life

Growing up is a strange process, but, I must admit, I’m really enjoying it.

With each passing day, I find myself caring less and less about the superficial things I once loved and instead, caring more about the things that actually matter in life: family, friendships and most importantly, love.

It’s not that I didn’t previously know these were the most important things in life; it was more so that I wasn’t living like these were the things most important to me.

While I have always tried to be a good friend, a good daughter and a good sister, the older I get, the more I realize that believing yourself to be a good person simply isn’t enough. How you treat the people you say you love is truly the only thing that counts.

Are you there for those whom you care about most? Or, do you make selfish excuses for why you can’t show up? You’re tired, you have work to finish, your kids are sick, you don’t have the money, you can’t find a sitter, it’s a far drive, you have nothing to wear, etc., etc.

While good intentions are nice, good intentions paired with actions that match is the best. So, here are five surefire ways to become the most loving, supportive person possible to the important people in your life.

One of my good friends recently became very sick and was hospitalised for a month. While she is a pretty, popular girl, less than 10 people made a genuine effort to support her during her troubling time.

She received tons of texts and Facebook posts offering her well wishes, but is that really good enough? When someone you say you love is sick, you should never just say, “Well, if there is anything I can do, let me know.”

Rather than offering empty words, show up. Ask if you can visit, pick up something small (flowers, a snack, a book, some magazines) and actually make a visit. It’s so easy to offer moral support to a sick friend, yet very few actually do it.

We all get just one birthday a year, so if you can’t spend some time to make a friend’s birthday special, you aren’t fulfilling your friendly duties.

Record all of your friend’s birthdays in a calendar so you’re aware of them in advance. Shop for a nice, thoughtful gift and plan a get-together without rushing haphazardly at the last minute.

Your friends won’t forget that you care about their special day and they will value the thought and effort immensely.

Oftentimes, people think being a friend means telling people exactly what they want to hear. While this may be the easiest way to go, it’s not the best way to go.

You should always encourage your friends to live the best lives they can live, which usually involves some tough love. Your friends may not like what they hear, but if delivered with love and tact, eventually they will realize you only want the best for them and hopefully, they will appreciate the advice.

When offering constructive criticism, never insult your friends or drown them with your opinions, and always tread lightly if your advice is unsolicited.

Whether your loved one is having a baby, a baby shower, a wedding, a bridal shower or any other special event, if it is a good friend, help out enthusiastically.

Again, do not send a, “Let me know if you need help!” text — it’s not enough. The best way to show support and excitement for these special times is to ask how you can help, not if you can help.

Also, flaking on these events is the best way to communicate that you simply do not care, so, flake accordingly. Whatever the excuse, all anyone really hears in these scenarios is, “I don’t care about you.”

Until recently, I was doing the majority of the work in most of my friendships. I was making the plans, driving to them and doing things that didn’t really interest me all to make them happy.

However, solid relationships will withstand compromise and your real friends will split the workload with you evenly. If you have to do all of the work all of the time, you have an unhealthy relationship on your hands and you should make strides to voice your frustrations before you grow to resent the other party.

Ultimately, everyone wants strong, meaningful friendships, yet very few understand what it takes to create and maintain them. If you are not there for your friends during important moments in their lives and they do not contribute equally for your special moments, what is the point?

Sure, it’s easy to get distracted by the craziness of life, but we must never forget: To have a friend, we must be one first!

LIFESTYLE: 10 Affirmations To Stay Positive When Life Is Not Going According To Plan

Life is amazing, but sometimes it’s hard to acknowledge because of all the sticky situations and straight-up terrible nonsense that happens in our lives.

Let me guess: Right when you FINALLY think something is going great, something bad happens again. When does it end, right? Why you? Why can’t you just be NORMAL like “everybody else”? How come it seems like some people have no problems at all, and you’re stuck under a constant avalanche?

The truth? I am not going to tell you things will get better over night. I am not going to tell you that terrible circumstances you obviously don’t deserve are not going to come your way. Bad things will happen; I can practically guarantee it. Trust me, I know firsthand.

What I will tell you, however, is that there are ways to live above these unforeseen circumstances. You can make it through the unexpected situations; you can come out stronger than ever and better equipped for the storms that will inevitably come your way in the future.

Here are 10 ways to live above the most unfortunate circumstances:

Trust things are going to work out. Have you ever looked at a tree that is absolutely beautiful in the spring, but looks pretty ugly during the winter? That’s because the tree is not in season.

You have to remember that, just because you’re not seeing fruit during the winter of your life, spring will come eventually. Trust that it will all come together in the end, even if you can’t see it now. Your life isn’t dead; it just might be dormant for the time being.

If you have been trying to make the same thing work out, and time and time and time again, it fails, perhaps you need to try something new. I’m not saying give up on your long-term dreams; however, sometimes things don’t work out because they’re not supposed to.

Quit trying to fix the air conditioner with some bubble gum and sticky tack. Change your strategy. Stop trying to force the situation with the wrong tactics. There is a reason it isn’t working out.

I know seems hyper-spiritual, but no matter what you believe, you can still take time mold your habit of personal reflection. Maybe to you this means meditating, or even praying. Perhaps it’s simply taking time to relax with your thoughts.

Get in touch with your spiritual self. Talk to the ocean when you surf.  Talk to the mountain when you ski. An inner peace tends to come with spirituality and meditation.

What we are waiting for is not as important as what happens to us while we are waiting because sometimes who we become and what we learn in the process of waiting is what truly shows us the way.

Think about it: We are all waiting for something — a new job, a significant other, a phone call, another chance. Perhaps, if you’re still waiting on whatever it is, maybe you’re just not ready yet.

Waiting is not punishment; it’s preparation.

At work, a part of my job is to greet people and ask them how they are. When they ask me how I am in return, of course I am going to respond positively, even when I am having a bad day. And you know what? I make myself believe it.

It’s funny because this same idea works in reverse. If you keep telling yourself, or telling others, that you’re just feeling mediocre, or you’re having a particularly bad day, well, that’s exactly the kind of day you are going to have. There is true power in thoughts and words!

What you proclaim, you are. Whether you succeed or fail is determined in your mind way before a situation even plays out in real time — consider that for a moment. Change your thoughts, and your life will follow.

Many times during your day, things go exactly the way you want them to. Yet, when something doesn’t go according to plan, you get upset.

It’s so easy to get preoccupied with the problems in our lives. In reality, however, the things that go right significantly outnumber the things that go wrong. It’s so hard to see it that way sometimes because our problems become this unbearable weight that we feel like we aren’t equipped to carry.

I get it: It’s easier said than done to look at the positives over the negatives. It truly does take time. However, you are already equipped. You might just need some strength training!

Practice makes perfect. Your circumstances cannot control you as long as you choose constant inner happiness, regardless of what’s happening on the outside.

No matter how much you think about it, dream about it, or sweat over it, the past is over, honey. When you face the facts, it can no longer hurt you.

Think of the events that happened in your life as if they happened FOR you, not TO you. You have outgrown your past. You are so much bigger and stronger now. It’s time to let it go.

Maybe the reason the situation you had perfectly planned out went left instead of right is that the universe had other plans.

Maybe it rains on that day you were planning on having a sunny picnic in the park. So what? Have the picnic anyway, and dance in the rain. Maybe it’s not how you planned it out, but that’s the best part about it.

Just go with the flow and your memories will truly be unforgettable. Consider the rain a blessing. Some problems are just out of our control, and there’s not much else we can do except adapt and figure out how to move on!

Obviously, I realize that your problems are on a much larger scale than a picnic. However, if you start to see the small circumstances this way, you can most certainly begin to see the larger issues this way. Perhaps once you do change your mindset, you will realize that, in reality, you don’t actually have many stressors.

There will definitely be moments when you won’t know what’s coming next, like those terrifying blind spots in your car, or rainy nights when you can’t see the road.

However, if you keep moving ahead (even if it’s at 5 mph), things will begin to clear up. Keep the faith, and know you will reach where you want to be. The destination remains, and a little rain or crummy vision cannot change that!

I know it’s hard to see it this way right now, but the pain you are going through is temporary. When you get out of this tunnel (or even while you are in it), your story will inspire other people who are going through hard times themselves.

Let your life be your anecdote. If you need solid proof of that, well, you’re reading it. This article is MY testimony.

Maybe I don’t understand why you have to go through the things you do. Perhaps I have not walked in your shoes. But what I do know is that IT WILL PASS.

You can’t just hope it blows over, however. You have to put in the conscious effort and strength to press on and fight for what you deserve. Will it be hard at times? Yes. Will you get frustrated? Absolutely.

Every little part of the journey is beautiful, no matter how precious or even how unfortunate. You can live above and beyond any circumstance because you are strong; you have willpower, and you are dang well worth it!

Get out there and show your life who is really in charge!

NEWS + PHOTOS: Elon Musk Reveals The Spacecraft That Can Carry 7 Passengers To Other Planets And Land

Elon Musk has unveiled his space transport company’s first manned spacecraft, a seven-passenger vehicle called the Dragon V2.

According to the Verge, the ship can carry the astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS), where it will dock and then make a soft landing back on earth with its advanced propulsion capabilities.

The CEO of Space Xpresented the Dragon V2 at a live launch event in California, describing the version 2 as a “big leap forward in technology” from the first model.

He made sure to note the spacecraft’s precise landing system, enabling it to “land anywhere on earth with the accuracy of a helicopter.”

Much of the spacecraft’s controls are touch-screen, with the only manual buttons to be used for emergency situations.

The ship is expected to be ready for takeoff at some point in 2016, at least a year ahead of NASA’s scheduled launch in 2017 or 2018, the Verge reports.

These first test flights will be unmanned, however, simulating human control to ensure everything works.

The US usually pays Russia hundreds of millions for manned trips to the ISS, but that partnership may soon dissolve if Russia doesn’t change its behavior towards Ukraine.

NASA cut off all contact with Russian government scientists in April, and Russia recently declared that it would deny any requests from the US to use the ISS after 2020.

Creation of the Dragon V2 was funded by NASA’s Commercial Crew Development program, which has also given the necessary means to Boeing, Blue Origin and Sierra Nevada to build their own manned spacecraft capable of bringing at least four people into space.

See pictures below:

NEWS: Banda Singer 'Tito Torbellino' Shot Dead in Sonora, Mexico

A U.S.-born singer of northern Mexican "Banda" music has been shot to death at a restaurant in the border state of Sonora.

State police in Sonora said Tomas Tovar Rascon was born in Phoenix, Arizona, and was shot several times at the restaurant in Ciudad Obregon.

Tovar Rascon, 33, was better known by his stage name, "Tito Torbellino."

His Facebook page said he was scheduled to perform at a concert in Ciudad Obregon on Friday. A U.S. booking agent listed for Torbellino confirmed his death.

Police said two gunmen entered the restaurant Thursday and shot Tovar Rascon at close range. He died on the way to a local hospital.

Members of other musical groups have been murdered in Mexico in recent years, usually groups that perform "narcocorridos" that celebrate the exploits of drug traffickers.

But while some guns appear in Torbellino's music videos, his songs mainly focused on unrequited love, not drug gangs.

Experts say drug capos sometimes target musicians because of their ties to rival groups, or sentimental involvements.

In 2013, South Texas singer Jesus "Chuy" Quintanilla was found shot in the head near Mission, Texas. Quintanilla was well known for his ballads, including some about the exploits of Mexican drug cartels.

Elijah Wald, author of the book, "Narcocorrido: A Journey into the Music of Drugs, Guns and Guerrillas," noted previous victims have included singers of a number of genres, not only narcocorridos. Getting entangled with the girlfriend of a criminal, for example, could be dangerous.

"In that world, it's probably more dangerous to be singing romantic songs than narcocorridos because it increases the chances that somebody's girlfriend will suddenly decide that you're the cutest thing ever," he said.

Wald said he didn't have any information on the motive in the Torbellino's killing, but noted that the singer appears only recently to have become successful.

"It's often just a matter of somebody sponsoring someone who isn't paying them back or isn't being properly respectful once they make it," Wald.

"You're in a world where's it's very, very easy to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, or have the wrong friends or look sideway at the wrong girl. The list of things you can do wrong once you're in that world gets very large."

NEWS: Ray J Arrested At Beverly Wilshire Hotel

Ray J was arrested at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel during a Friday evening incident that ended with the singer allegedly smashing the side window of a police vehicle with his foot, authorities stated.

The 33-year-old entertainer, whose real name is Ray Norwood Jr., has been charged with vandalism, resisting arrest and battery, the Beverly Hills Police Department said in a news release. A rep for the entertainer declined comment when contacted by THR.

The incident is said to have begun with a hotel bar altercation, but apparently escalated in the valet area of the luxury hotel.

"After speaking to officers, Mr. Norwood agreed to leave the hotel. He subsequently entered the valet area and became belligerent with the valets and refused to leave," the Beverly Hills police statement read. "Hotel security requested to make a private persons arrest after repeatedly asking Mr. Norwood to leave. After the uniform police officers took Mr. Norwood into custody and placed him in the rear of a police vehicle, he became belligerent and used his feet to shatter the side window of the police vehicle."

Ray J's bond was set at $20,000 and he was released Saturday, authorities stated. Aside from a reality TV soundtrack, the artist's most recent studio album was 2008's “All I Feel.”

NEWS: Former Coach Christian Chukwu Says 'Keshi Can Handle Eagles Well In Brazil'

Following reactions to the list of provisional players released by Stephen Keshi for the Brazil 2014 World Cup and their subsequent match against Scotland in London, last Wednesday, former national team captain and coach, Christian Chukwu, has called on critics to leave Keshi alone to do his job.
In a chat with our reporter, Chukwu one-time national head coach of the Kenya team hinted that Keshi knows his players better than any body, and therefore he should be left alone to do his job, adding that he would be the one to take the blame should they fail in Brazil.

“A lot has been said about Keshi and the release of the 30- Man provisional world cup list, I think it is time we put the matter behind us and move ahead, after all the final list is not yet out. As a manager of the team, he is more knowledgeable than any of us, he knows his players better than we do, and it is out of place for any person to describe the players he has invited to camp as bench warmers.

“The era of the FA dictating to the coach or giving a list of players to be invited is past. We are not going to play Kano Pillars or Nembe City fc, so our critics must be very careful and mindful of what they say. The World Cup is the highest pinnacle of football event it is not a place to test players, so if the coach has done his work and giving us a list of those he thinks are competent to make the squad so be it.

“On the other hand if he takes Mikel and leave out Obafemi Martins, he has his reasons for doing so. NFF has said they have no hand in it, so let us leave it there and stop raising unnecessary dust about it. England came out with their list; no body killed the coach for dropping some players. It is the coach that will take the blame should the team fail to deliver,” he enthused.

He however warn the players to give good account of themselves and avoid under rating any side, adding that countries coming for the world cup are coming for real business.

“Our boys must not be carried away by names, there is no longer small country in today football, for a country to have qualified for the world cup means that such a country has some thing to offer. So our boys must play their opponents strength for strength and man for man.

Any attempt to look down on any opponent will not mean well for us. People complain of our defense, the problem is not in the defense line up, but the attackers. We are not scoring more goals, what determine the result of any football match is the numbers of goals scored. Our strikers must improve on t6heir goal scoring prowess, that is the area we will have problems. Because if we meet a high goal scoring side, we might run into problems,” he said.

MUSIC: 2cOde ft. Olumix - On The Floor

After his successful hit song & video "SO SEXY" which gained massive airplay on TV stations... 2CODE DA SAVEYOR is back again with a hot & smoking track tittles "ON THE FLOOR" he teams up with a very good friend "OLUMIX" Trust me this song is a banger. Download & Share your views!

VIDEO: Eva Alordiah Interview On Trending

On this episode on the Trending Show, our beautiful Toke Makinwa caught up with the talented FemCee Eva Alordiah!

VIDEO: Olamide Interview with HipTv

HipTv hooked up with Olamide for an exclusive interview!

VIDEO: Patoranking Interview On Trending

Patoranking talks about his up bringing which is something that can inspire a lot of people to do better in life. From the dirty dirty Ebute Meta to fame!

VIDEO: Mavin AllStars Performing DOROBUCCI At MTV Road To MAMA Event

The Mavin AllStars performing their hit single 'Dorobucci' at MTV Road To MAMA event

MUSIC: Sarkodie & Yaa Pono ft. Shaker – Talk Of GH

Here is a new collabo from Sarkodie and Yaa Pono featuring Shaker titled 'Talk Of GH' 

VIDEO: Kida Kudz ft. Olamide – Beat It

UNG Music has decided to release the long awaited official video for “Beat It”  by Kida Kudz featuring Olamide!

The audio of  “Beat It” hit the airwaves a few months ago to a wonderful reception and now the visuals shot by the award winning director Moe Musa in London with appearances from the likes of D3 dancers and Moelogo will definitely take the track to new heights!

Friday 30 May 2014

NEWS: Kanye & Kim’s Wedding Picture Is Instagram’s 'Most Liked' Picture

KIMYE's wedding is the biggest wedding of the year so far! one of their wedding picture is Instagram’s MOST LIKED picture with 1.93m likes (and still counting) beating Justin Bieber’s 1.82m likes!

The KIMYE wedding was held in Florence, Italy

MUSIC: Samini – Gbedengba (Wizboy’s Wizolingo Cover)

Ghana’s Dancehall King Samini Daggati jumps on Wizboy’s “Wizolingo” instrumental and titles his version 'Gbedengba'

VIDEO: 2face Idibia ft. Samini, Sound Sultan, Ferre Gola, Machel Montano & Others – Break The Silence #BringBackOurGirls

In a timely response to the global call for the release of the abducted Chibok girls and the restoration of peace in Nigeria, galaxy of stars under the umbrella of 2face Idibia's Million Voices for Peace (MVP) project have recorded a song to articulate their call for peace and unity and raise funds to support the work of the Nigerian Red Cross.

MVP on this song features 2face Idibia, Precision Productions (Trinidad & Tobago), Samini (Ghana), K-Slim, PKD, Squadee (Ghana), Spyke, Sound Sultan, Essence, Righteousman, Joe El, Ferre Galo (DRC) and Machel Montano (Trinidad & Tobago).

Idibia, speaking from France stated thus: "The call for the safe return of the Chibok Girls and real work towards peace building must be sustained. This is just another step in the journey towards the promotion of peace and unity in our nation and the world.

MUSIC: Jesse Jagz Feat. Charlie X & Tesh Carter – Ain’t Nobody (Jargo Remix)

Early this year Jesse Jagz blew our minds with the critically acclaimed Royal Niger Company. Now long time friend, producer and DJ Charlie X gives us a Remix to Jargo (Ain’t Nobody). One of the standout tracks on the project which features female rapper Tesh Carter!

VIDEO: L-Tido Ft. Ice Prince – Fresh & Clean

The official music video to the South African Hip Hop artist L-Tido featuring the Nigerian superstar Ice Prince for his follow up single after Steve Kekana, off his latest album All of Me!

VIDEO: Donae'O Ft. Lethal Bizzle – I Don’t Play

Donae’o & Lethal B collaborate on this banger titled 'I Don't Play', taken from Donae’o’s solo album ‘The Forest Of Zephron’

VIDEO: Show Dem Camp on Ndani Sessions

Show Dem Camp is on this edition of Ndani Sessions with an acoustic performance of their official first single "Ewele"

MUSIC: DaSuki Ft. Chidinma – Our Voices

DaSuKi teamed up with Chidinma to release another song perfectly timed to speak to these times. Produced by the super producer MOSA. Extremely insightful and open yet very radio-friendly smash!

Thursday 29 May 2014

MUSIC: Migos ft. Young Thug, Rich Homie Quan & Jermaine Dupri - New Atlanta

Migos, Young Thug and Rich Homie Quan are definitely some of the new faces of the Atlanta movement, which is taking over the rap game (we could also throw Future in there, too). It's appropriate enough that the three, who are already frequent collaborators, connect on "New Atlanta," a reinterpretation/tribute to Jermaine Dupri & Ludacris' "Welcome To Atlanta." Rightfully so, Jermaine Dupri is featured on the "New Atlanta" version.

Listen as Migos, Thugga and Rich Homie lay down the ground rules for when you come to the ATL!

LIFESTYLE: 5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Be So Afraid To Get Old

It wasn’t always this way; me, counting down the minutes until I grew up, until teens switched to twenties. It wasn’t always this way, when I would think, “I can’t wait to look back and laugh at all the chaos.”

It wasn’t always so easy to get excited about getting older, about growing up. But now, looking back, I can’t believe I was ever nervous, that I was ever afraid.

Growing up, and by consequence, growing old, is a beautiful rite of passage – a special club that you only know about because you’re ready to be a member, a special group that only takes you in once you’re ready for it.

It’s a journey we all take and though it won’t always feel special, it is. It’s one of the few things in life that we all experience together, but all enjoy separately.

Growing up and growing old is about so much more than just ageing and shrinking: It’s about finding yourself, discovering yourself, losing yourself and regaining yourself; it’s about winning and losing, missing and making, and smiling and crying.

It’s about sticking a hand out in the dark, not knowing where it will take you, but trusting it to lead you to where you’ve always wanted to go. When you’re young, that blind trust, that unapologetic faith is shaky and unsure of itself, but when you’re older, it’s steady, confident, cool and comfortable.

In our Botox-obsessed culture, there’s such an emphasis on staying young. We stop off for injections to keep our faces tight, schedule surgeries to keep our breasts perky and hire high-profile dentists to shine our teeth into oblivion.

But we forget that we were made to age – we were born to make the ascent into age just as beautifully as we traveled into youth.

But growing up is less about reaching a destination and reaching a number — it’s more about embracing the opportunity to take the trip – the chance to lose and win, to fail and to succeed, to know wholeheartedly what we want and to do a little guesswork along the way.

Call me crazy, but there’s something so striking about a face that’s earned its stripes. Living well means laughing well, laughing hard and laughing often; it means smiling when you want to cry and crying when you want to smile.

Sometimes, it means giving way to those large, cavernous sighs when nothing else seems to work and other times, it means bringing a room to attention with the raucous sound of your giggles.

There are so, so many things to feel little and empty about in this world, but staring at a face that’s weathered even the very worst of storms and is still standing – now that’s something to be proud of.

At some point, I won’t always crave the hustle, bustle and relentless noise that comes as a “perk” of living in the most amazing city in the world.

At some point, I’ll want a yard, a room big enough to fit a queen-sized bed and if I don’t want the white picket fence, I’m sure I’ll want something equally as clichéd and equally as satisfying.

At some point, I’ll want to entertain friends and family in a space where everyone can sit down and a kitchen that’s bigger than a closet. At some point, I’ll want space for a big dog that loves to run around and a wine rack that doesn’t double as a kitchen storage unit.

Settling down doesn’t have to include anyone or anything (but I wouldn’t be mad at the chance to share all that space with someone, either) – it just means that, at some point, I’ll be ready to stretch out my legs.

I’m not absolutely sure that 10 years from now everything I’ve been dreaming of and hoping for will have, in fact, panned out the way I’d imagined it would have – but there’s something really special and exciting about knowing that I’m laying the bricks for a foundation that will, one day, stand on its own – and it’ll all be because of my hard work (and hopefully someone else’s, too).

And for some of us, that foundation might be a year-long journey through Western Europe or maybe a month-long cross-country expedition with our three best friends from high school. Maybe the foundation is a future with Mr. Right, a house, three dogs and four cats or, maybe, it’s a brownstone in Brooklyn with your forever mate. Wherever it is and whomever it’s with, it’s refreshing to know that you’re working toward something. 

Better than college, better than high school, better than the feeling when 5 o’clock hits and the workday is finally through is the fact that I know myself now better than I ever did when I was 18 or even 20. The pressure to pretend to be something I’m not has long since faded and what’s left is room for me – just me.

There’s no parading around pretending I’m interested in EDM (I’m not), or that I love whiskey (I don’t) or that I’m just a soft-core “Harry Potter” fan (totally hardcore, for those curious) who only saw the movies (read the full series like eight times so far, whoops), or that I love staying up late (never did, never will).

When it’s just you – and only you – it takes away from all the fluff that people spend so much time pretending to be. I don’t have to pretend anymore. I don’t have to be anything but myself. It’s refreshing and rejuvenating.

Before we get ahead of ourselves, there will always, always be some type of drama in life. But as you age, the “drama” is less about who kissed whom at your best friend’s house party and more about what you want to do with your life or whether or not you should let your on-and-off-again friend go for good, since the relationship isn’t really benefitting either of you.