Saturday 24 May 2014

LIFESTYLE: 12 Mistakes Women Need To Stop Making When It Comes To Their Kryptonite: Men

Ladies, what’s wrong with us? Why do we always feel like we’re doing something wrong? Why is it always our problem, our issue that needs to be addressed? Why do we keep making the same mistakes over and over again? Why can’t we just be perfect?

When it comes to men, we have a tendency to overthink, analyse and berate ourselves until we’re left with nothing but broken hearts and a closet full of “mistakes” we wish could take back.

We look at our relationships as ships that only we could crash, forcing ourselves to sink along with them. We wish that we could do it all over again and take back everything that drove him away or made him love us less.

We think of all the things we’d do differently. We’d call him less, look through his phone more, stop looking at his phone, play hard to get, play a little easier to get, and the list goes on.

I have a problem with this. I have a problem because after years of punishing myself over failed relationships and long, single statuses, I’ve realised that maybe our biggest mistake is thinking that we’re making any at all.

Why do we give ourselves the short end of the stick all the time? Why do we take the blame for the way he acted or the reason he left? Why do we only see our own failures and mistakes when clearly the problem is his. I’m tired of women thinking that they are the ones always doing something wrong.

I’m tired of women thinking they need to change to be with a man or that a man is a necessary goal for their happiness. We’ve come too far and done too much to keep believing that we are making the mistakes.

So for women everywhere who are crying over, for or under a man, here are the 12 real mistakes you need to stop making, beginning with thinking that you even need one..

You do not need a man. You do not need anyone. Everyone else is just distracting you from getting to know yourself. Men come and go, and maybe one day you will find the right one and settle down, but until then, stop trying to complete your life with anyone but yourself.

You don’t have to be beautiful for anyone. You don’t owe your looks to men. You don’t owe them big boobs or soft skin. You don’t owe them long legs and silky hair. You don’t owe them skinny torsos and painted toenails. They may ask for it, but that doesn’t mean they have a right to it.

You haven’t done anything wrong. (Unless you have.) They are not your captors and you are not there to apologize to them. Don’t apologize because your hair is short or your sweater is baggy.

Don’t apologize because you have your period or you don’t want to sleep with them. Don’t apologize because you can’t meet their demands or their requests. You are a woman who needs no apologies.

Stop trying to make men happy. You are supposed to take care of yourself and worry about your own needs first. Don’t do things for him just because it will make him happy. Don’t value yourself as nothing more than a slave to his demands. Remember, your needs are just as important as are his.

Your worth is not determined by any man. You don’t need a man to be happy nor should you judge yourself on the opinion of one.

There’s no reason to think that just because you are single that you are worth less than if you were attached. You are strong and independent, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Stop looking for a boyfriend in a boy who doesn’t want to be associated with the word. If you know he can’t give you what you want then move on or accept that. Stop trying to turn him into something he doesn’t want to be, because in the end, you will be the only one who ends up changing.

Mourning a man is as stupid as crying over milk that hasn’t even spilled yet, a waste of time and only creating more troubles for yourself.

Lamenting over men who will never love you or men you can’t be with will only keep you from meeting the ones who can. Don’t give them your tears, because even tears are worth something.

Don’t be that girl who forgets about everyone who was there for her before he came into the picture. Don’t let a man take you away from everything you once knew and loved. Because before him, these things were important to you. Don’t give him everything just because he may feel like yours right now.

A strong woman chases no one. If he is worth your time and your love, he will figure it out on his own. Don’t let him think that he’s worth the chase, because the more he runs, the further behind you get.

Just because a man says that you’re beautiful doesn’t mean he’ll treat you that way. Men have a tendency to talk out of their asses and putting any worth in what they say is as futile as wishing on pennies.

Men know what will make you happy, but many times they are able to trick you with just the promise of it. Expect nothing from them and you will never end up disappointed.

Men often may be physically stronger than you, but that means nothing. Do not make them feel like they could ever own you, because no mind nor soul can be dominated by pure strength. Do not become objects to men that they can just buy and sell.

Do not fight against other women for their attention. Do not give them anything more than the same respect you give your sisters.

Regretting men you’ve been with is as fruitless as crying over them. If you did something you didn’t want to do, gave your power away to someone who didn’t deserve it or belittled yourself for his benefit, learn from it. Remember those feelings so you will never do anything to feel that way again.

PHOTOS: 2face Idibia Shows Off His 1 Million Naira Versace Gold Encrusted Shoes In T.W.O’s Video

2 Baba normally doesn’t step out in very expensive stuffs but this time HE DID … he was seen on Tunde & Wunmi Obe’s ‘Green White Green’ video rocking a 1 MILLION NAIRA Versace shoes!

See pictures of the shoes below:

PHOTOS: Supermodel, Naomi Campbell Celebrates Her 44th Birthday Party

Supermodel, Naomi Campbell celebrated her 44th birthday party in Monaco, France with her invited guests yesterday when she also stepped out in a two boob-baring dresses (one Versace and one Givenchy)
The sexy star had a very nice time with her friends at the lavish party!

See pictures below:

INTERVIEW: I Know When To Sing & When To Shut Up – Essence

Uwale Okoro needs no introduction in the Nigerian music scene. She is a graduate of Performing Arts from Delta State University, Abraka. Wale Adenuga soundtrack “This is Super Story” launched her into limelight. Essence as she is fondly known by her fans and colleagues has used her sonorous voice to dazzle her fans and put smiles on their faces as well. In this chat, she talks about her latest RnB single, her pasttime as events compere, her ushering outfit and perhaps her launch into standup comedy and many more.

How did you come into music?
My foray into music was borne out of passion and not for the fame and glory.

What is your advice to up and coming artistes who see your consistency as a source of inspiration?
My advice to them is to first ascertain what they really want and if they are convinced it is music, they must go after it with all their hearts. It is not about your being sexy or about your looks. The most important thing in this trade is the talent. This is not a career you can pursue without talent. You can dazzle for a while but if you don’t have the real talent you can’t last for very long.

How did you come about doing the theme song “This is Super Story” for the Wale Adenuga’s sitcom ‘Super Story’?
I was contracted to sing the song for the sitcom when it was about coming out. I had always been a fan of the comic book so when it was adapted for television I was thrilled to be part of it. The song becoming a hit was due to the popularity of the sitcom, more than anything, I think, and it was something that came at the time, as a breath of new life and thank God it is now a classic.

You have strong vocals. What do you do to manage your voice?
My voice is a gift and I treat it as such. I have over the years, by trial and error, come to know when to sing and when to shut up!

Has there ever been a time when your voice failed you when you needed it most?
Oh gosh, yes, my voice has failed me once or twice due to overwork but nowadays when my voice is not in good condition I simply don’t sing.

You seem to be one of the oldest artistes in the Kennis Music label who has stayed put. What is the magic?
Having been part of the industry in the capacity of backup singer to Kenny Saint-Brown and a few others, I was priviledged to see first hand the follies of artistes before me. If your aim is to get money or fame at all cost then you will be a rolling stone that will gather no moss, so I advised myself when I finally got signed on, not to make the same mistake. Many who left, left because of greed and impatience.

Who is essence on stage and in the music terrain?
Essence in the Nigerian music terrain is an artiste that is gaining steady momentum and is getting better like fine wine.

What are your dreams and aspirations?
My dreams and aspiration are to, by God’s grace, be relevant in my chosen profession in many years to come and of course make more money.

Let’s talk about your new hit, ‘Facebook Love’. How did you come about that song?
’Facebook Love’ was a song gifted to me by God Himself. I prayed for a song that would impact on my environment positively and God gave it to me.

Having been in the music industry for a long time now, what do you wish could be changed in the industry to make it better?
What I wish changed is the lackadaisical attitude towards female artistes. We need level playing grounds. Women should be given same opportunities and accorded same rights as men because we work as hard as the menfolk, if not harder.

Are you cooking up anything for your fans soon? What should they be expecting from the Essence collections?
I’m working on a reloaded album of my second album ‘Essential’. It will feature new songs and remixes like ‘Facebook Love’ where I featured Neato C and also a reply to Goldie’s ‘You Know It’.

What is the next big thing for the Essence brand?
The next big thing for Essence is not what I can say. Only God knows the ‘big thing’ He has in store. I always say “You don’t force what is not broken”.

What is music to you as a person?
Music is much like breathing to me and even when the low times come, because they always do, passion and love for music sustain me.

Most artistes are coming up with new stage names; do you wish to change your stage name anytime soon?
I have worked very hard to build the brand name ‘Essence’ and I don’t know of any Nigerian artiste laying claim to that name except myself. Anyone with knowledge of branding knows that it is foolhardy to change names, especially, when that name has become a brand. Of course, I have right to explore as an artiste, but I do not plan to change my name.

You were an outstanding R n B artiste; especially when you did the award-winning soundtrack for Wale Adenuga’s Super Story; why are you doing more of Hip- hop these days?
If a person is afraid to try new things then that person would remain a failure or that person would be missing out on the growing processes that are expedient to holistic growth. Nevertheless, I am still going back to R n B. At the moment l have a new single ‘See Love’ , an R n B track; R n B is my true love so l haven’t left it as most of my fans are thinking.

You are so down-to-earth. Tell us a little bit about your family and educational background.
I keep hearing I’m down-to-earth. Is there another way to behave? Well, I’m just being me. That’s all. No fuss, no fight! I’m a graduate of Performing Arts from Delta State University, Abraka and the last of seven children from Delta State. Itsekiri by tribe and a true Niger Deltan!

Naturally, as an entertainer it is expected that you diversify into other areas of the trade, are we expecting anything like that soon from you?
Diversification is necessary in any industry and the entertainment industry is no exception. Watch out for different facets of the brand Essence.  I do have an ushering outfit, I compere events, I have a proposed television show in the works, aside the fashion show I was working on which is currently on hold. As for comedy, I think l infuse that into my MC thing, which is only pastime thing for me now, but there is no saying I might not take it up full time sometime soon.

Do you think you are using your strong vocal to the best effect?
I honestly think everybody has more to them than they are offering and my prayer is for God to grant me the grace to keep doing what I do and evolve as music evolves and thereby give more and more of myself as the years go by.

You have been long in this industry although you are very young; how would you score the Nigerian entertainment industry as against other music industries across the world?
As a stakeholder in the entertainment industry I hope for every branch to exhibit a high standard of professionalism and not as a ‘molue’ that everyone sees as a free vehicle to hang on to, without paying their fares to get to their destination. If we don’t take ourselves seriously no one will.

What is your favourite food and drink?
My favourite food is fried rice and chicken plus salad and of course, a bottle of Coca-Cola!

NEWS: Governor Jonah David Jang Says 'Nigeria Is At War With Unknown Enemies'

Gov. Jonah Jang of Plateau State, on Friday,  said Nigeria was at war with unknown enemies and urged well meaning people to rise to the country’s defence.

Jang made the remark when he visited the scenes of the Tuesday twin bomb blasts in Jos after cutting short his medical trip abroad.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), reports that 78 persons were confirmed dead and several others receiving treatments for injuries.

“This is a different type of war from the wars that we all know; these are enemies that are unknown.

“And these are the worst enemies that you can fight because you don’t know where they are coming from, you don’t know where and how to tackle them until suddenly you are taken by surprise as it is now’’, he said.

The governor was of the view that most of the perpetrators of the heinous crimes were non-Nigerians, employed by the evil people in Nigeria to kill Nigerians.

“These people are being sponsored, they come to a place. They don’t stay on trees, but with people.

“We are made to understand that they bring in these bombs not as bombs but they bring them as materials and assemble them in one of our houses.

“Why is it difficult for people to report such cases?’’ he asked.

The governor said that some of the activities of the terrorists could be checked if Nigerians were more security conscious.

“We must be suspicious of everything not just cars, we must be suspicious of everything and we must always call the security numbers given to the public by security agencies to report complaints’’, he added.

Jang further advised politicians to stop using the emergency situation as the one Nigeria has found itself to gain cheap political advantage.

On the Kidnapped Chibok girls, Jang said “we are all sad about the disappearance of these girls and the Federal Government is working seriously with the international community to locate where they are.

“Do they want the President to go to Chibok, to go go the bush to search for the girls himself?’’

According to him, some of those in the streets marching against the government are those who had held government positions and could not perform.

Jang told politicians to assist the government by also using their connections to proffer solutions instead of discrediting the President.

“This is our nation, we don’t have any other nation to go to, Africa is looking up to us, we are the biggest black population and we are behaving as if we don’t know who we are.

“We are all Nigerians, when the time of politics comes, we must play politics but when the time for emergency like this one comes, we must face it squarely and address it’’, he said.

He said the state government would clear the busy Terminus Market where the bombs exploded to avoid a repeat of such incident.

NEWS: South Africans Boo At President Goodluck Jonathan #BringBackOurGirls

President Goodluck Jonathan was greeted with shouts of “Bring Back Our Girls” when he arrived at the Union Buildings, where Zuma was inaugurated.

Nigeria‘s President Goodluck Jonathan is among more than 20 heads of state gathered for the event.
African leaders in Pretoria for President Jacob Zuma’s inauguration will hold informal talks on the security situation in Nigeria, South Africa’s government said on Saturday.

Government spokesman Clayson Monyela said they would meet to discuss security in Nigeria, where the kidnapping of 276 schoolgirls has laid bare the government’s inability to tackle an insurgency by the Islamist group Boko Haram.

The talks follow a spate of attacks in Nigeria, which is under growing international pressure to tackle the increasingly bloody uprising.

NEWS:10 Richest Nigerian Comedians And Their Sources Of Wealth

They may look funny and unserious, but they are cavorting to the bank and living their dreams. Ali Baba, the father of stand-up comedians in Nigeria, aptly captured in words, the profitability of comedy business when he said: “comedy is a funny business, a very big business.” 
After a careful study of the careers of these successful comedians, Showtime came to the conclusion that a number of them are outstanding. Here are the top 10 in this branch of entertainment in terms of their assets, the money they charge per show, the various products or corporate endorsements they did, and their established brands from which they make steady income. 

With over thirty years of performing on stage and hosting events for almost all Nigeria’s former presidents and the present one, Ali Baba sits at the apex. Even President Olusegun Obasanjo once jokingly accused him of being overpaid for his performance. His Lekki mansion where he lives is said to be worth more than N300 million alone. Alibaba makes his money through a chain of businesses in Lagos: as a reputed motivational speaker, a professional comedian patronised by almost all the big brands and political bigwigs in the country. His net worth is estimated to be over 3 billion naira. It is estimated that he performs in a minimum of two events weekly at an average rate of 4 to 4.5million naira per event. That would add up to about 400 million naira per annum! 

He has been associated with many companies, signing different endorsement contracts in the last six years. He also has an impressive list of branding deals with Amstel Malta, Globacom Ltd. and a host of others. With his sold-out shows in South African, London, and even in far away America, and on his Basketmouth Uncensored platform, the comedian has been so consistent since he came to limelight. His assets are estimated to be worth 2 billion naira. His annual income may be in excess of 192 million, while endorsement deals run into over 120 million annually. His international show, Basketmouth Uncensored, rakes in an estimated 100million naira. This artiste makes over 360 million annually. 

United Nations Millennium Developmental Goal Ambassador, Amb. Francis Agoda, fondly called I Go Dye is the C.E.O of Revamp Construction Company, a property, real estate and road Construction Company. An estimate of his annual income stands between 350 and 500million naira, while his net worth is valued at over 2 billion naira. With properties in choice areas across Nigeria, and fleet of luxury cars, he is the man to beat. He also has a special performing relationship with almost all the governors in the country. His business empire is increasing every day. Presently, he is constructing a bottle water company, Franstel Natural Bottle Water. 

 He made over 20 million naira alone from the launch of his book when he turned 40. He has properties scattered all over the country, a state-of-the-art audio and video studio, and more political affiliates than any other comedian. For over a decade now, Julius Agwu has been organising two events: Crack Your Ribs and Laugh for Christ Sake. He is reputed to own properties in 3 states in Nigeria, and is also the C.E.O of Real Laff Entertainment Company which is an event management firm. His performance fee is between 2 to 3million naira per event, and his annual take-home is estimated at 180million while his personally organised events are estimated to be about 140 million annually. His net worth is valued to be 1.5 billion naira. 

Since his foray into this money making business, he has risen faster than anticipated with a performance fee that is between 1 and 2 million naira per event, while his A.Y Live events organised annually rakes in 160 million annually. He is said to be earning 280 million naira annually. His net worth is put at 800 million naira. He is also working on his MVP club and also runs an event company. He also has fleets of cars and properties at Lekki area in Lagos. 

No comedian anchors more events than him presently. He is constantly busy and a top choice with politicians.He has properties and several business interests besides his Laffmattaz which isalways a sold out show with more than 5000 people in attendance every year 

 He anchors upscale events steadily and must have made huge money from politics too as Senior Special Assistant on entertainment in Imo State. He has a mansion in Imo State and Canada. 

A highly gifted wedding MC, he has equipment and an events company. He anchors mainly heightened events and also does private businesses 

He has made a lot of money lately from events, adverts and tours. He is probably the hottest kid right now.

 Yaw is into the big league with a choice property in Lagos. He also makes money from MTN adverts, radio presentations, radio hypes, anchoring events, equipment leasing and other businesses.

VIDEO: Kin – Selecta Freestyle

Fast-rising Nigerian Pop sensation KIN has steadily been taking over radio playlists across Nigeria and the United Kingdom with his ragga inspired single “Selecta Freestyle”. So it is not shocking that KIN recruited prolific UK director Charles Bonja to create a viral visual for the budding hit produced by Rowllins. The sensual viral video was shot in London and breathes life into the groovy mid-tempo ragga banger. KIN and this new video are destined for great successes over the coming weeks and months!

MUSIC: Asa – Dead Again

After a long hiatus, Asa returns with an amazing single titled “Dead Again” lifted off her third studio album “Bed Of Stone” that is scheduled to be released in September!

MUSIC: Badass ft Jojo & Solidstar – Release Me

Here is the much anticipated first official single of BADASS ENT ACT “JOJO” titled ‘RELEASE ME’ featuring SOLIDSTAR the C.E.O of BADASS ENTERTAINMENT

I'ts is a collaborated effort with his parent company “ACHIEVAS ENTERTAINMENT” to which SOLIDSTAR is signed under!

MUSIC: Ayoola Ft. Sound Sultan, Vector, Mo Eazy, Zaina & More – Freedom

Ayoola teamed up with Sound Sultan, Vector, Mo Eazy, Zaina, YungGreyC, G Fresh (Gabriel Afolayan), CDQ, Byno, Dris, BK, Wale Rahman, Chiyana and Diwari as they lend their voices to the #BringBackOurGirls campaign in this heartfelt song titled “Freedom”. Produced by DJ Coublon & Sagzy

Friday 23 May 2014

NEWS: Tupac’s Last Words Ever Spoken Were ‘F*ck You’ To A Las Vegas Police Officer

While the anniversary of Tupac’s death will mark 18 years this upcoming September, little has been revealed surrounding details of the police investigation on the 25-year-old rapper’s untimely death.

Nevada police officer Chris Carroll has recently come forward to The Vegas Seven to share his account of Tupac’s final moments at the time of his shooting, just off the Las Vegas strip on September 7, 1996.

Now in retirement, Carroll feels certain that 18 years later, a court case on the murder will probably not occur.

Carroll was the first officer to arrive to the scene when Tupac’s car was shot. At the time, Carroll was a sergeant on the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department’s bike patrol unit when he witnessed the following:

It was on Flamingo [Blvd.] that a white Cadillac with three or four men inside pulled up to the right of [Suge] Knight’s BMW. One of the men stuck a weapon out of the back window of the Caddy and fired at least 13 rounds into the side of Knight’s car, four of which pierced Shakur’s body. The Cadillac then took off south down Koval.

Knight managed to make a U-turn and turn the car around on Flamingo, weaving through traffic with two blown out tires and running traffic lights to eventually come to a halt on the Strip.

As Shakur sat bleeding in the passenger seat, the scene was utter chaos, with Carroll trying to determine who the shooter was.

Attempting to get Pac’s last dying declaration of a suspect, Carroll said,

[I was] looking at Tupac, and he’s trying to yell back at Suge, and I’m asking him, ‘Who shot you? What happened? Who did it?’ And he was just kind of ignoring me.

He was making eye contact with me here and there, but he’s trying to yell at Suge. And I kept asking over and over, ‘Who did this? Who shot you?’

And he basically kept ignoring me. And then I saw in his face, in his movements, all of a sudden in the snap of a finger, he changed. And he went from struggling to speak, being noncooperative, to an ‘I’m at peace’ type of thing. Just like that.

Asking Tupac one final time to identify the assailant:

He looked at me and he took a breath to get the words out, and he opened his mouth, and I thought I was actually going to get some cooperation. And then the words came out: ‘F*ck you.’

After that, he started gurgling and slipping out of consciousness. At that point, an ambulance showed up, and he went into unconsciousness.

And there you have it. Tupac’s very last words on this earth were “f*ck you” to a cop.

I didn’t want Tupac to be a martyr or hero because he told the cops ‘f*ck you.’ I didn’t want to give him that. I didn’t want people to say, ‘Even when the chips were down, his life on the line, he still said “f*ck you.’

He still wouldn’t talk to the police. I didn’t want him to be a hero for that. And now enough time has passed, well, he’s a martyr anyway; he’s viewed as a hero anyway.

Tupac indeed remains a hero. He was a rapper concerned with the social welfare of disadvantaged urban youth, who was fearless in addressing issues of economic inequality in America.

The memory of Tupac still lives in our hearts and minds, if not more vividly now than ever.

Rest in Peace Tupac!

PHOTO: Mercy Johnson's 2nd Baby Bump

Even though its no longer news that Nollywood actress, Mercy Johnson is pregnant with her 2nd child but, we haven't gotten the chance to see her baby bump before now. 

And here she is! Mercy's already grown baby bump. 

The actress, according to speculation, has taken a break from acting and will 
soon leave for the States where she'll deliver the 2nd baby!

See picture below:

PHOTOS: Final Setup Of Kanye & Kim's Wedding In Florence, Italy

It’s going down on Saturday in Florence, Italy where preparations for Kanye & Kim's wedding are almost over and in a few hours Kim will be getting married to her 3rd husband in as many years.
The workers setting up things at the Forte di Belvedere in Florence, Italy are almost done with their work.

See more pictures below:

MUSIC: Omo Akin Ft. Ice Prince – SureTETE

A recommended birthday package that will definitely get you up your feet.
StarNation SuperStar Omo Akin is back with another electrifying dance tune titled 'SureTETE' that would get you moving anywhere, anytime featuring Africa’s very own Ice Prince Zamani.

NEWS: Emma Agu Releases The Audio Of Jim Iyke Cursing Him Out About His Relatonship With Nadia Buari

Emma Agu has finally released the audio he said he was going to publish of Jim Iyke cursing him out for destroying his relationship with Ghanaian actress, Nadia Buari.  

Along with it, Emma also released a statement  for people who think he betrayed Jim Iyke. 
We read with dismay, some lopsided commentaries by those who felt Emma Agu betrayed Jim Iyke who happens to be his friend. The entire crew of Nigerian FM hereby states that Emma Agu and Jim Iyke have never met. Jim Iyke was on Emma Agu Loud in USA during a phone in program. 

 Emma Agu got to know Jim through Keturah Hamilton and interviewed him on Emma 
Agu Loud in USA. They were never friends. Emma Agu took on his own to do image laundering for JIM Iyke, both spoke only 4 times via the phone. 

Jim Iyke's attack on Emma Agu during a phone in show was totally uncalled for. Jim Iyke even 
after the whole incident went viral is still sending harassing email to Emma Agu while hiding in an undisclosed location in New York.

We investigate every news we write, hence we decided to follow up an information given to us by Keturah Hamilton who claimed that Jim Iyke was in her house. This is what we do. You all know this. We are duty bound to ask questions from both parties anytime we are called upon. 

 For the last time, Emma Agu or any member of Nigerian FM are not interested in who Jim dates, or what he does what his life. Our involvement here was in line of duty. Nobody betrayed anyone. Nobody threw anyone under the bus. 

Please tell Jim Iyke to stop sending us harassing emails. We shall not hesitate to put them out for the public to know who this man really is.  


NEWS: Actor Charlie Sheen Calls Rihanna An Idiot For Snubbing Him And His Girlfriend

Actor Charlie Sheen went ballistic on Rihanna today after the singer snubbed him and his girlfriend at a restaurant last night. Charlie Sheen said he took his porn star girlfriend out for her birthday at the same restaurant as Rihanna and that his girlfriend, who is a fan had asked to meet Rihanna. But after RiRi turned down his request for an impromptu meet and greet, Charlie cuts loose on Rihanna via Social Media, below is what he wrote:

 So, I took my gal out to dinner last night with her best friends for her Bday. We heard Rihanna was present as well. I sent a request over to her table to introduce my fiancé Scotty to her, as she is a huge fan. (personally I couldn't pick her out of a line-up at gunpoint)

Well, the word we received back was that there were too many paps outside and it just wasn't possible at this time. At this time? At this time?

Lemme guess, we're to reschedule another random 11 million to 1 encounter with her some other night...? 

no biggie for me; it would have been 84 interminable seconds of chugging Draino and "please kill me now" that I'd never get back.

My Gal, however, was NOT OK with it.

Nice impression you left behind, Bday or not.

Sorry we're not KOOL enough to warrant a blessing from the Princess.

(or in this case the Village idiot)

you see THIS is the reason that I ALWAYS take the time.

THIS is why I'm in this thing 31 awesome years.

Good will and common courtesy, carefully established over time to exist radically in concert with a code of gratitude!

I guess "Talk That Talk" was just a big ol lie from a big ol liar.

oh and Rihanna, Halloween isn't for a while. but good on you for testing out your costume in public.

 it's close; a more muted pink might be the answer, as in: none.

See ya on the way down, (we always do) and actually, it was a pleasure NOT meeting you.

clearly we have NOTHING in common when it comes to respect for those who've gone before you.

I'm guessing you needed those precious 84 seconds to situate that bad wig before you left the restaurant.

Here's a tip from a real vet of this terrain; If ya don't wanna get bothered DONT LEAVE YOUR HOUSE!

and if this "Prison of Fame" is soooooooo unnerving and difficult, then QUIT, junior!

MUSIC: Shatta Wale – Pussy Arrest

A new joint from Shatta Wale titled "Pussy Arrest'

VIDEO: Sinzu – Road To Ade Teyu (Studio Session) | New Video Teaser

SMG presents Sinzu with his next project titled 'Road To Ade Teyu' 
Watch & Enjoy!!!

Alongside the teaser of his new music video titled 'Nobody'

LIFESTYLE: 12 Signs You’re Dating A Man, Not A Boy

Ladies, real men do exist – and not those poor excuses you’re used to dating either. There are fully grown-ass men in this world and they would love to be with you.

The truth is that you don’t have to settle for whatever boy comes your way. In fact, you shouldn’t settle; you’re doing yourself a real injustice. If you’re going to be with a man then be with a grown-ass man. Simply put, they’re better for you. They’re more fun. They’re more reliable. And they’re better in bed.

There really is no reason to date the schmucks you’ve been dating. Although, to be fair, it can be hard to tell the difference – especially at first glance. But with time, it’s easy to separate the men from the boys. In case you need a little extra help, here’s a checklist for you:

Not a frat house. Not a zoo. Not a garbage dump, but an actual apartment. He doesn’t necessarily have to have his own place. Nor does it need to be extravagantly furnished, but you should be able to distinguish the floor from the rest of the place.

Grown men take pride in surrounding themselves with an environment that supports an active and healthy lifestyle. If he’s too lazy to keep his place clean then he’s definitely too lazy for the more important things in life.

This isn’t to say that a guy working at McDonald’s isn’t a grown-ass man. Unless, of course, that’s where he plans on staying. It’s really all about the plan. Grown men have plans to get themselves from point A to point B. More importantly still, they are driven to do so.

No matter how drunk he is, no matter the situation… if your man is able to take care of himself and get his sh*t done, then he’s a grown man.

If you’re dating a guy who needs you to carry him home after a night out or to keep a leash on him so he doesn’t go off an do something stupid, then I think you know the kind of guy you’re dating.

You see, grown men don’t just go about agreeing with everything their women say. They have a mind of their own and they’re more than happy to speak their opinions. However, they do so respectfully and are always open to hearing your thoughts on the matter.

Guys who are lost in life aren’t much more than boys. Men have direction. Boys have playtime. If your man knows what he wants out of life and gives all those things that are most important to him attention and care, then you have yourself a winner.

His body is his temple and his mind is his high-priest. He lives by his own religion – his own philosophies. He understands that in order to feel good, you have to feel healthy. He’s a well-oiled machine, inside and out.

It’s the men who tell you that you can’t do something, that you can’t accomplish something, who are poisonous. Grown men don’t like to use the word “can’t,” especially when it comes to the women they love.

He puts his nose to the grind and produces results. Bitching is for bitches. He’s a grown-ass man.

There is never a need to have one of those pointless “what do you want to do?”, “I don’t know, whatever you want to do” conversations. If you ask him what he wants to do, he gives you options, not a question or a volley in response.

He’s not concerned with the show on TV, the music on the radio or anything other than getting you undressed. He’s a man, an animal. And he is more than keen to let the animal out to play.

He doesn’t point fingers or try to maneuver out of the situation. He understands that being wrong is part of human nature. There’s no shame in it. He understands that you can’t learn if you can’t admit you’re wrong.

He doesn’t just tell you he loves you – he shows you he loves you. To him, you are a part of his life. You are an extension of him.

He cares about you and knows that words fall short of the emotions he feels for you. He’s not shy to show you he loves you because you are one of the most important aspects of his life.

LIFESTYLE: How Comparing Yourself To Others Is Compromising Your Happiness And Wasting Your Time

“What does he see in her that he doesn’t see in me?” “Would my boss appreciate me more if I was more like her?” “Maybe if I lost 20 pounds, he would like me…”

If you are anyone who’s anyone, at some point in your life, you’ve had these thoughts of self-doubt and deprecation. Let’s face it: We’ve all fallen into the trap of comparing ourselves to others.

In times of hesitation, whether it be regarding work, relationships or our own physical appearances, we feel the need to challenge our worth and unique sense of individuality to gain an inaccurate sense of self-evaluation. However, what we don’t realize is the price we’re paying for such a belittling habit.

While focusing on somebody else’s success, we tend to lose track of what makes us stand out. This could eventually result in a lack of motivation, or even worse, “tossing in the towel.”

We must realize that everybody fails and succeeds at different rates and given points in life. Rather than collaborating and working together, this can lead to an unwanted measure of competition and envy.

In order to keep your eye on the prize — whatever jackpot that may be — try taking a step back and looking at the qualities that you have, rather than the ones you don’t.

What do you have that qualified you for this job? Why were you selected to lead the project over your colleagues? If your mindset is to believe that you are enough, chances are, you will gain a new sense of power and fulfilment within yourself.

One of the most distressing feelings in the world is seeing our lost loves find new love before we do. It leaves us with a sour taste in our mouths and an agonising pain in the depths of our stomachs we never even thought possible. And naturally, the first thought that runs through our heads is, “What does he/she have that I don’t?” Guilty!

Following my shameful illusion of unrighteousness, I received some very blunt advice from a close friend: “Maybe he just wasn’t happy being with you, but that’s not to say somebody else won’t consider you their world one day.”

There it was. The cold, hard truth knocked me upside the head like a bag of bricks. However, hearing this made me realize the harsh reality that not everybody will like you. The many different qualities we possess will, in time, attract the right person.

As humans, we are biologically attached to the idea of love and being loved. However, trying to fit into a mold of somebody’s idea of “perfect” and thoughts like, “Maybe if I was more like this…” is a losing battle.

Even though your previous partner hated your indecisiveness or your stubbornness, your next partner could find it downright adorable! It’s all about practicing the concept self-love and accepting who you are because nobody can fully love you until you completely love yourself.

Before we judge someone else’s “perfect” lifestyle or qualities, we must realize our perceptions of others are most likely skewed. With social media controlling our culture and constantly bombarding our minds with distorted information, it’s so easy to develop a false interpretation of other people.

Of course, we only post or blog about what we want people to see, because who wants to read that you failed your exam or that you rear-ended the car in front of you on your way to work?

Everybody fights his or her own battles every single day, so comparing yourself to another colleague, coworker, or friend will only damage your own self-worth.

By focusing on our own strengths and practicing self-love, we can learn to trust ourselves, and most importantly, respect ourselves. This will eventually lead us all to achieve a lifetime of happiness.

LIFESTYLE: 7 Signs That You’re Being True To Yourself And Fulfilling Your Destiny

All successful people share some habits and world views. Finding your destiny or your purpose in life is not the most easily achievable task, as it takes time to get to know yourself.

But, the more you know yourself, the more you will be certain of what you want in life and where your destiny lies. Once you start planning out the map of your goals, you will be able to work toward success by taking productive steps forward each day.

For all of you who feel like life can be better, why not make it better starting now?

Here is a little guide to check on your progress:

This is probably the most essential aspect of living. Potential choices surround us each day and each decision adds colors to our life’s painting.

It is important to know what you want, both in this moment and in the long run, because only then will you be able to take daily small steps toward making your goals realities and putting your ambitions into action.

No painter started creating without having an original idea in his or her mind — even if he or she eventually chose to alter the colors and change the whole painting. This is because no one becomes a painter without having the drive to paint. The key word here is “drive.”

It might take a little while to discover what exactly you truly aspire to be or do, but it is worth your time to research. You can walk without a specific destination in mind and still eventually get somewhere. However, is “anywhere” good enough for you? Or, do you want to be in the right place?

There are many people who can’t stand being pressured to face dilemmas. In most cases, these people would rather someone else make their decisions. Unfortunately, though, too many people nowadays study the wrong course, work the wrong job or date the wrong person. They end up being unhappy and they’re aware of it. But, what’s truly worrisome is that they continually make the same ill-fated choices and live lives that provide dissatisfaction.

Making decisions is not always easy. What’s more, making decisions means changing, but change is inevitable, anyway. No day is the same as its predecessor and no people behave completely the same as they did long ago.

Running away from making decisions is similar to ignoring problems. But, the problems won’t go away — in fact, they might become bigger issues if ignored.

You have the power to create the life you’ve always wanted. You simply need to stand firm behind choices you make. Come to think of it, every single choice we make has the potential to be life-changing and that is the main reason why we shouldn’t be afraid to take decisions. Listen to your heart and you won’t go wrong.

One of the reasons people are afraid to make choices is because they’re afraid they might make mistakes.

But remember, none of us are born with manuals that explain how to have a good life and none of us are perfect. Mistakes are a part of life. We live; we try; we learn. Everything is part of the experience.

Living a life limited to routines, familiarity and safety will only decrease the quality of your life. Instead, learn to embrace mistakes and consider them as the means to the future that you picture in your mind.

You set your goals high and people call you a dreamer. You stand out from the crowd and you’re brave enough to express your opinions. You have a wild imagination and you’re always full of ideas. Does this sound like you? Good. Most successful people were once visionaries. What’s more, most successful people owe their success to the fact that they’re doing what they love.

Once you discover your inner drive, all you need to do is focus your energy on developing it. The sweetest money you can earn is what you earn from doing what you love. Discover what inspires you and continue to do it. Never underestimate your dreams or yourself.

“Dream as if you will live forever; live as if you will die today.” — James Dean
You recognize the beauty of life everywhere you go. You love traveling to new places. Good books never fail to fascinate you and reading is a necessity — or simply, another way to travel to different worlds. You are curious by nature and you like being called an adventurer. Education matters to you and you always seek to acquire new knowledge. You perceive languages as a way to get to know more people and opportunities (and you already know a few). You are not afraid to take risks.

True success belongs to people who work hard for it. We live in a highly competitive society, and if you want to be successful, you need to have skills, knowledge and qualities that surpass your competition. Neither having a diploma from Harvard nor depending on your charm alone will get you anywhere. You must build a positive attitude and live every day as if it is your last.

Planning ahead and thinking strategically are important factors for chasing your dreams, but don’t forget to pay attention to the present moment. Follow your intuition, for you never know where you might find an opportunity. When you do, seize it!

Magic is not just in fairytales and books. Magic is very real. It resides in the little things in life — especially in love.

It doesn’t matter how many times it has been said: Life is indeed short and we should learn to appreciate each moment, which is no easy challenge.

Don’t forget to invest time in yourself, but also don’t underestimate the time you spend with friends and family, traveling and exploring and having deep conversations. These are the moments that matter — the moments that stay with us forever. It’s up to you to make them truly memorable and magical.

This might sound funny to you, but boredom could be a sign that you haven’t devoted enough time to figuring out your identity. Have you ever found yourself in a conversation complaining about life and how you wish for things to be different? Have you felt as if something was missing even in the company of great friends? If the feeling of being “bored” and generally unhappy keeps coming back to you, you should rethink your lifestyle choices.

We all need good friends and interesting people to surround us. Unless we spend some time on our own, we won’t be able to completely enjoy these friendships. A person can be in a crowded room and still feel alone. Consider the time you spend invested in yourself as the path to solitude rather than to loneliness.

It is in solitude where we find both the answers and the questions that are truly important to our existences.